In the heart of New Bedford, the South Coast of Massachusetts is home to a thriving network of nonprofits dedicated to improving the lives of residents. These organizations play a critical role in addressing key issues, from education to economic development, health,...
January is not just the beginning of a new year; it’s also National Mentoring Month – a time to recognize and appreciate the invaluable impact mentors have on the lives of those they guide. At Junior Achievement of Southern MA, we take this opportunity to...
Introduction: In the world of golf, Acushnet Company stands tall as a beacon of innovation, precision, and sustainability. As we celebrate the remarkable contributions of Acushnet Company, we are honored to acknowledge their unwavering commitment to advancing the game...
Introduction: In today’s fast-paced world, the significance of financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills cannot be underestimated. Junior Achievement Southern MA understands this importance and is committed to empowering young minds with the knowledge and...